War of the Worlds – Orange Day

While sketching at this rehearsal for War of the Worlds, Sophia Wise informed me that it was Orange Day at the rehearsal which meant most of the actors were wearing orange. I didn’t get the note so I was stuck wearing nothing but blues and grays. I did make sure to put plenty of orange into my sketch however. I also noted the blue tape which Zac had put down to mark the edge of the stage. If the actors wandered past these blue tape marks they would fall into the audience in the Goldman Theater. Since Sophia informed me about Orange day, I decided to put her in the foreground of my sketch and I made a note of her orange shirt and the stripe on her shorts.
In the play she is listening to the radio broadcast. “Now, ladies and gentlemen, there’s something I haven’t mentioned in all this excitement, but now it’s becoming more distinct. Perhaps you’ve caught it already on your radio. Listen: ……….
Do you hear it? It’s a curious humming sound that seems to come from inside the object. I’ll move the microphone nearer. (PAUSE) Now we’re not more then twenty-five feet away. Can you hear it now?”
Sophia and the rest of the public actors lean in to hear better.
While Fletch worked with the actors on the second act, Aradhana asked my if I would like to hear the acoustics in the First Baptist Worship Center. I had only been in this space once before for the memorial service for Caylee Marie Anthony. Zac and Lindsay ran to the highest point in the worship center which was like a footfall field away and when they were there Aradhana quietly asked them to say something. Zac said “what should I say?” in his normal speaking voice, and it was like he was right next to me. Amazing! The acoustics here made the Bob Carr Performing Arts Center seem like a muffled barn.