Ruminations at Fringe

Presented by the BAAD Project, Ruminations, like the name suggests, is inspired by the ruminations of Alan Wilson Watts. When was the last time you really took the time to stop? Stop thinking, stop doing, just listen. So often we are caught up in the whirlwind of life, always moving from one thing to the next we rarely take the time to settle in, quiet our mind, and observe. Utilizing explosive movement and captivating partnering, we delve into our relationships with each other and with nature; we explore what it means to really be present.

Alan Wilson Watts was a British philosopher, writer, and speaker, best
known as an interpreter and populariser of Eastern philosophy for a
Western audience. Interpreting this philosophy in dance offered some fluid modern dance. Dancers reached for the intangible as the philosopher expressed his views of the world. I cant claim to understand all of what was expressed but that might be the point.

I was pleased to see dancer Jesse Sander who has performed as Yellow at DRIP for years. DRIP just recently had its final performance after 10 years. So it was good to see the talent fostered there still influencing the arts scene here in Orlando. Orlando has a strong dance community and it always shines at Fringe.