Third Thursday at Avalon Island.

On every Third Thursday the downtown art galleries open for the beginning of new exhibitions. I often stop at The Gallery at Avalon Island (39 S Magnolia Ave, Orlando, FL 32801) since there is live music in the bar area. I started drawing the wrought ironwork surrounding the stage and then stopped half way through the process, realizing that the intricate pattern wasn’t adding anything to the sketch. I have
been doing that more and more lately, just leaving out what doesn’t interest me
and sometimes drawing what does interest me several times. This willingness to
change history has allowed me to complete sketches must faster.

Two children sat playing video games the entire time I
sketched. They were oblivious to the art around them, but the games employed
artists to help design the world in which they were playing. Headphones
further guaranteed that they were isolated in this virtual world. The music was
pleasant to sketch to. I had sketched these musicians before. The gallery
curator, Patrick Greene, is often at the bar serving drinks. The gallery doesn’t
get very crowded, so it is nice to sketch a set and then move on to see more
art downtown.