Dance Theatre of Orlando presents Change

I went to a rehearsal for Change at ME Theatre (Marshall Ellis Theatre)
1300 La Quinta Drive #3, Orlando, Florida 32809. The choreography was by Marshall Ellis, and the show featured the popular hard hitting music of Bon Jovi. I recognized every tune. Many of the stage lights pointed right out at the audience, so my baseball hat was critical in blocking my eyes from the direct light. Light mist made the rays visible.

No more excuses. No more magical thinking. No more self-sabotage. You
know it won’t be easy, but so what? You’re committed to the goal. Love
is the only thing that can make a change in your life. The story line was supported by original video sequences, many of which were shot in the neighborhood. The story followed,a young man who was breaking out and starting life on his own. He lived loud and spiraled as he frequented dance halls. He eventually found true love which is how his life got back on track. The most beautiful dance sequence feature the female lead. Her performance was powerful and lyrical, truly inspired.

There are two more performances of Change.

Tickets are available.

Tonight, Saturday March 25 at 8:30pm.

Sunday March 26 at 8:30pm.