The Last Neanderthal Ball.

I went to the last Neanderthal Ball at the Orlando Science Center (777 E Princeton St, Orlando, FL 32803). In preparation for the ball I painted a black bow tie using some of Linda Sarasino‘s acrylic paint with a tiger pattern. I also put on a pair of tiger socks, but I don’t think anyone ever saw those. I entered , I entered the venue early and found a stand up table with a decent view across the room. My table was right next to a hoop suspended from the ceiling. That means I would have a front row seat for the female performer who was suspended and poured drinks. It was difficult to ignore her as I sketched the overall scene.  As cavemen and women entered the venue, I added them to the sketch. 

Running with Scissors performed cover songs on the main stage. Dancing to Eagles songs isn’t easy. But I tried. The MC remembered me from last year and he asked me information about what I do. I gave him my card and gave him my rundown about doing a sketch a day to cover arts and culture in Central Florida. I was amazed when he gave me a major plug from the main stage microphone, inviting everyone to take a look at my sketch in progress. When I was done, I left the sketchbook open on the table. Linda chatted with Wendy Wallenberg, who was wearing giant pink earmuffs as a head dress, and a pink fur vest. For the fashion show, she acted shocked and horrified be all 1 modern lights. It was a nice touch. She won a bottle of champagne for being one of the best dressed cave women. 

One caveman went all out on his fashion accessories. He had a uni-brow and wild woolly hair. He carried a big club, and the clincher was his performance during the fashion show. He kept his knees bent and moved as if on the prowl. He walked right up to the female judges and looked at them quizzically, bending his head to the side like a dog. Then he sniffed the air trying to catch a whiff of their perfume. He got a standing oration. Actually, everyone was already standing, but they did clap for him the loudest. 

Michael McLeod entered the fashion show, but, besides his Armani suit, the only accessory was a zebra bow tie. It did put my blunt hand painted tie to shame. He strutted the dance floor, opening his suit to show off the Armani label. Wendi had a zebra hat for Michael to wear, but it was vetoed. So many tables were reserved, probably for corporate sponsors, but I don’t think those signs had much meaning. After the awards, the evening quickly wound down. Leaving the parking lot, I forgot to turn on my headlights. A caveman blinked his headlights at me from behind as I waited at a red light. I made nothing of it. Then he drove up beside me going north on Orlando Avenue. He honked and pointed at my front bumper. It finally dawned on me what he was trying to communicate. I waved and gave him a thumbs up as I flipped on the lights. He gave me a thumbs up in return and drove off. Cavemen look out for each other.