Disney Springs Waterside Park.

I was asked by a music producer to do a sketch of one of the bands at Disney Springs Waterside Stage. After a quick sound check, the first performer was Nicholas Marks. He performed solo acoustic guitar with gusto. He was seated on start, but then stood, walking out into the audience as he played. I recognized “Green Sleeves” which is a piece I used to play on trumpet. Mr. Maserati in sun glasses, a golf cap and a highly sequined shirt danced to the music. He was covered in logos and must be a cast member. A young boy got caught up in the dance moves and joined in. The crowd went crazy when he eventually re-joined his family. Nicholas’s fingers flashed quickly against the strings and he hugged the guitar to he chest like a lover as he danced and played. Despite his energy and showmanship few people danced.

After his set there was a new nighttime show called Starbright” that appeared over the lake at 7:00pm and 8:30pm starting November 20-January 8. Hundreds of colored lights hoovered in the night sky like flying saucers. They assembled themselves into the dimensional shapes a like a spiraling Christmas Tree. I couldn’t figure out how it was done at first. Were there lazers being projected into fog? Finally my inner child took over and I watched with absolute awe. The colors changed from green to blue and then white. The orbs re-assembled themselves into various shapes one being a giant blue dove. I later learned that the show was created using 300 drones that moved together in perfect synchronicity thanks to some new computer coding. 

The band I had come to sketch La Calle, got on the stage after Starbright. They performed energetic salsa music that had everyone dancing. It became difficult to see the band through the crowd of dancers, but I patiently persisted. A little ten year old boy took an interest in my sketch. “Can I have it?” he asked. “Noooo| I need it” I replied. “Can you draw me something?” he pleaded. “Maybe when I’m done.” I offered. I knew he would eventually loose interest and sure enough, he was soon running up and down steps and jumping over railings. Where are his parents? Anyway the band kept everyone entertained and dancing. I wrapped up my sketch, as La Calle  started their second set. You can hear this group on Tuesdays after 7pm at Disney Springs Waterside Stage, through January 8th.