July 4th Drip Pool Party.

On July 4th, Terry and I went to a Drip Dance pool party. A barbecue kept burgers and hot dogs steaming. All of the dancers an support staff of Drip were there to relax a have fun. A slip and slide was unfurled across the lawn, and terminated at the pool. Guys and girls got a running start, and dove into the pool with a big splash. 

My sketches were done rather fast, so that I could get in some pool time myself. Tie dye pockets were full or red and blue dyes. Dancers took T-Shirts and pinched the fabric using rubber bands. Everyone had their own techniques and every shirt when dry and unfurled was unique. It was a messy fun process. 

Terry, had several small dreads put in her hair on our trip to Australia. Jessica Mariko offered to put a color for tri-colored ribbon in Terry’s hair. As usually happens at y party lit this, I met someone who does something fun and creative as a career. A woman next to me did large sculptures for the theme parks. She told me about her projects and it sounds like an unexpected inspiring way t make a living. I’m having to rethink my priorities. I get out and experience a creative rush every day, but not many sketches get sold. Changes need to be made so that I’m less of a voyeur and more of a participant in the Orlando Arts scene. I am starting to reach out to find a job that will keep me in Orlando and challenge me creatively to think out side the box.