Crooked Road

At the Mennello Museum Folk Festival music stage, Crooked Road played its blend of Celtic folk music. Natalie Doyle was on piano, Kathleen Cavanagh on pipes, Vicki Gish on fiddle and Scott Vocca on banjo. A slender wisp of a girl did Irish dances to the music, kicking her feet up with her arms straight at her sides. Mothers and their children played in the grass. It was a cool and very windy day. The large mobile sculpture in bright reds, yellow and blue moved slightly in the breeze. Children clamored up on Its cement base and tried to crawl through the hole in a blue shaped pyramid. One of the artists tents started to take flight and people rushed in to help keep it grounded. As I walked past the artist was ripping off the tent panels until only the skeletal structure remained.

When the band finished playing, Kathleen told me that I had to add the bands new byline, “We prevent murders.” Vicki explained. A woman had gone to their concert and she had been having a really bad day. She approached the band after and said, “I was ready to murder someone, but after listening to your music, I feel great!”

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