Speed Painting

DRIP held a fundraiser for it’s new show titled RIFF at Blank Space (201 East Central Boulevard). Besides musical performances by Britt Daley and Thomas Wynn, visual artists were in the house. Tony Corbitt set up his painter’s easel and put up a large sheet of plywood which had been painted black. He cued up some music and explained that there were no gimmicks in what he was about to do. He then ripped off his shirt, distracting every female in the room. Using a photo and bold splashes of white paint, he quickly painted a portrait of a Kiss band member. I had to sketch just as fast to keep up with his hectic pace. There was non time for planning or delicately balancing the elements, I had to react and throw down lines and tone with abandon.

Later in the evening, dates with DRIP dancers were being auctioned off. Darcy got the hefty sum of $100. Then Michael Sloan one of the male dancers was put up for auction. Bidding started slow and remained slow. a Date with him went for only $25. Seems the ladies were shy about spending their cash for a wonderful night on the town with a talented DRIP dancer. Tony bought in his two speed paintings and auctioned them off. Terry shouted out, asking him to take off his shirt again. He obliged. As expected, his paintings didn’t bring in very high bids.

Thomas Wynn performed “When I Paint My Masterpiece” which I had never heard before. I really loved this piece especially with his single acoustic guitar and deep piercing voice. Jessica Mariko performed an inspired improvisational dance as he played “It’s Alright“. Her movements were yearning and quick reaching for the heavens while grounded to the earth. Her movements at times seemed random and inebriated and at other times purposeful. The last time I had seen her perform solo was at Slingapours and she always amazed me.

2 thoughts on “Speed Painting

  1. Thanks for the amazing sketch! Love how you did the banner!

    Don't forget about the amazing Britt Daley who was auctioned for a hefty $200! 🙂 Go Britt!

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